Pronounced like NOOOOOOO vember. You know, like:
-vember. (Source)
Ayyyy, just kidding, November isn't too terrible. It's just busy as heck. There's Thanksgiving, our first anniversary of marriage, my birthday, several buddies' birthdays, National Novel Writing Month (I'm several days behind and ready to descend into HELL!), and a number of more private anxiety-producing events that I may have to hit on another time.
Anyway, I wanted to post an update to reassure everyone that I'm not dead, which seems to be something I have to do every November for one reason or another.
The problem with November is that it's all the morose atmosphere of autumn without the snow-magic of winter. It's a series of cold, soggy, colorless days between Halloween and Christmas (etcetera). I want to like it, but the main point of November is to say, "Hey dudes, if you think this nasty, toe-chilling weather is sucky, just wait until we get deeper into the Cold Dark and Awful season."
Admittedly, a lot of my sour attitude toward the month has to do with my lingering childhood denial that I was technically born in the Christmas season (the latest Thanksgiving can fall is the day before my birthday). Greedy baby Abi thought that meant cheapskates would try to pull the whole combined birthday/Christmas gift scam, and I was a kid with needs, you know? Summer birthday babies had an even cycle of gift accumulation throughout the year, but I'd have to buckle down for 11 months of free-stuff drought.
Plus, I somehow managed to be sick almost every Thanksgiving (at least, that's how it seemed). That really puts a damper on the feasting aspect of the holiday.
My adulthood experiences of November, aside from last year's wedding (HOLY CRAP Y'ALL) have only served to deepen my negative associations with the month. So, it takes a little psychological struggling for me to make it through.
With that in mind, look forward to future entries regarding:
- What I've learned after a year of marriage
- NaNoWriMo and my (usually off-kilter) balancing of priorities
- The harrowing tale of how I've been unknowingly driving with a suspended license for over a year without ever having violated a traffic law or shown myself to be anything but a neurotically cautious driver (and haha, wasn't that so super duper fun to find out less than two weeks before my license expires)
Having dropped that anxiety bomb, it's time for me to blast off again. Good luck, fellow NaNo participants, and until next time!